Relinquish of Inheritance
姓名 性别
Name Gender
出生日期 年/月/日 国籍
Date of Birth YYYY/MM/DD Nationality
身份证件名称 证件号码
ID Type ID No.
现居住地址 电话
Current Residence Phone Number
声明内容:本人___________是被继承人_________的________。被继承人于_______年____月____ 日在____________省________市死亡。
Declaration: I, _________ is the _Daughter/Son_ of deceased ______. Deceased died on YY_MM_DD at ______City _____State.
Deceased owns individual legal property
Deceased has dead intestate, and didn’t sign any legacy-support agreement with anybody. In accordance with the regulation of inheritance law of the People’s Republic of China, I am one of the legal heirs of deceased.
本人经慎重考虑: 决定放弃对被继承人遗有上述财产的继承份额。我深知做出上述声明的法律后果,并绝不反悔。
By taking careful consideration, I decide to relinquish shares of inheritance estate of foregoing property. I understand the legal consequences of the foregoing, and will never regret my decision.
I declare, that the foregoing is true and correct. I am the person named above, and I assume full responsibility for the declaration.
Signature of Affiant(签名): _____________________ Date(日期): ____年____月____日