There are some occasions you may need your international degree authenticated in China, such as applying for a China work permit, applying for permanent residency in China, etc. Generally, you may be required to get the degree authenticated by one of the followings: (1) a Chinese Embassy/Consulate in foreign country, (2) foreign Embassy or Consulates in China, or (3) the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) of Ministry of Education (MOE). The method (3) is the most convenient one and now I’ll show you how to authenticate your degree step by step online.
It is worth noting that what I showed below only works for degrees obtained outside of China.
The Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) is a national institution directly under China’s Ministry of Education that provides China Credentials Verification Service related to international education, including authentication of degrees issued by international universities.
CSCSE is maintained by CSSD (Center for Student Services and Development, Ministry of Education, P.R. China) providing verification report of higher education qualification certificates, student records, college transcripts, high school qualifications, Gaokao (National College Entrance Exam) scores, etc.
To start the application process, you will need to create an account.
Degree Authentication
1. Register a CSCSE Account
1) Access the online CSCSE website using following link:
from the home page, click 登录.

2) Click立即注册.

3) Enter your手机号码and check the box next to 我已阅读并同意《用户注册协议》和《用户授权和隐私保护条款》. Click 获取验证码and enter the verification code received by text message. Then click下一步.

4) Enter your personal information in the appropriate boxes, then click注册.

5) This page shows your registration has been successful. After creating your Password, click返回首页, then you will be taken to the sign in page.

2. Submit Your Application for Degree Authentication
1) Click登录 on the homepage of the CSCSE website

2) Sign in using your new username and password. Complete the verification slider. Click登录. (Note: For foreign nationals, the username is your passport number.)

3) Click 办理认证申请.

4) Click 增添认证办理申请.

5) Click 我接受以上协议,继续申请. You will be taken to your profile page if you are foreign applicants.

6) For Chinese users, you will be required to go through the procedures for real-name authentication. (If you are a foreign user, please skip this step)

7) Review your personal information and click下一步.

8) Select 国(境)外学历学位认证 and click下一步.

9) Fill in the information about the degree that needs to be authenticated and click下一步. You will be taken to your educational background page.

10) Add information about your other educational background. (Note: at least one more school you attended since high school. And then, click下一步.

11) Upload your documents and click下一步. Then you will be taken to the summary page.

12) Review your information and click提交.

13) Confirm the amount of payment and click支付.

14) Scan the QR code using WeChat or Alipay to to make payment.

After the payment is completed, your application is submitted successfully. You will receive both email and text message notifications sent by CSCSE confirming that the application well received and will be processed. It will generally take 10-15 days to issue the authentication certificate. The certificate is a digital document. Once applied successfully, it will be effective permanently.
Please be noted that degree authentication by China MOE may be unobtainable including one of the following reasons:
1. University applicants graduated is not an accredited higher educational institution in degree issuing countries.
2. You enrolled in a part-time curriculum or online course instead of a full-time on-campus course.