美国居留证明声明书 Affidavit of U.S Permanent Residence
姓名(Name):_______ 性别(Gender): ____
出生日期(Date of Birth):____________ 出生地(Place of Birth):_______
身份证件名称(ID Type):____________ 号码(No.):_________________
签发日期(Date of Issue):___________ 有效期至(Date of Expiration):_____________
现居住地址(Home Address):__________________________________________________________
I, ______, Being duly sworn in, hereby solemnly declare that, am currently Chinese citizen with U.S Green Card, and I am not the citizenship of any other country.
I declare, that the foregoing is true and correct. I am the person named above, and I assume full responsibility for the declaration。
现附上美国绿卡正本复印件(Attached with true copy of U.S Green Card)